

  • It is an Umbrella Theme – covering many domains.
  • It weaves together a large number of ideas and thoughts into a single, comprehensive vision so that each of them is seen as part of a larger goal.


Cyber security refers to the body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks, devices, programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access. Cyber security may also be referred to as Information Technology Security.

The Internet occupies a huge part of everyone’s lives today, including children’s. And if mature, intelligent, and sometimes even tech savvy adults fall for scams online, we can be most certain that a child full of curiosity, but limited in maturity and awareness, can fall a victim to the dangers of the internet.

Teaching kids about cyber security is mostly taking those rules you’ve taught them about the real world, and applying them to cyberspace. As for teens and pre-teens, it may be a good idea to show them some real examples of Internet sharing going wrong.


                  EVENT NAME                                                             THEME

              Make-A-Toon                   |             Connect Safely: Cybersecurity Awareness

              E-Insight                       |            Internet of Things(IoT): Complexities of Cyberworld

              Ad-venture                       |             Ethical Hacking: First step to Cybersecurity

              E-Aakriti                       |            Mascot for Cybersecurity from e-waste

              Innerve                             |             Cryptography: A tool for Cybersecurity